In 2021, Lee-Anne’s life was turned upside down when her husband, Greg, became critically ill at home. Faced with every spouse’s worst nightmare, she had to make the urgent call to 999. Reflecting on that day, Lee-Anne said, “I knew Greg wasn’t breathing, and the team on the phone were brilliant, talking me through CPR.”

As she fought to keep Greg alive, the air ambulance medics arrived swiftly, taking over the life-saving efforts. Greg was then transported to the hospital, where he bravely battled for his life over the next two days. Tragically, despite the best efforts of everyone involved, Greg passed away.

However, in the midst of this heartbreaking loss, Lee-Anne found some solace in knowing that Greg’s textbook care allowed for three of his organs to be donated. The knowledge that other lives were potentially saved through his donation has provided Lee-Anne with a sense of meaning and comfort, even in the face of such a profound tragedy.  Lee-Anne has been contacted by one of the individuals’ who received two of Greg’s organs – a man with a wife and his own children who wrote to say thank you for this remarkable gift in difficult circumstances.

We hope you agree, this is a poignant reminder of the incredible gift of organ donation and the selfless act families of organ donors make.  Thank you to everyone who is on the NHS Organ Donor Register, for the gift of live you may give in future.

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