We are pleased to announce that the ever-popular Livingstone Family Tractor Run will be back on Tuesday 28th December 2021, please note this year it will take place on a Tuesday this year.
This is the 10th annual Livingstone Tractor Run which will be dedicated to the memory of Shane Lappin a faithful helper from the tractor run began, before he tragically passed away in June 2020 while working on his new home with his wife Sarah.
The tractor run will support three local charities the Southern Area Hospice, Air Ambulance NI and NI Children’s Hospice.
The tractor run started back in 2012, by the Livingstone Family to give back to the Southern Area Hospice for the incredible care they provided to Marina Livingstone in the last few weeks of her life. The event has grown over the years with over 750 tractors attending it some years. The Livingstone tractor run to date has raised over £600,000 for the nominated charities. Year on year the event has grown in size, attendees and the amount it raises for charity. Make sure you come along and support this great event.
The tractor run will start in the Armagh Business Park in Armagh and will travel through Markethill, Hamiltonsbawn and Richill on the way, before returning to ABP Business park.
We invite those with tractors to come along, it is only £10 to take part and the proceeds goes to the three great charities. Those without tractors are invited along too, to marvel at the large variety of tractors that will be on display, so bring your family and friends and join in this great charity event. If you cannot make it and want to show your support you can donate on Just Giving Livingstone Christmas Tractor Run 2021 fundraising on JustGiving or get in touch with any of the Livingstone family or organising committee. Follow our event updates on our Facebook page – https://m.facebook.com/LivingstoneChristmasTractorRun/